How to Handle Extreme Customization among Restaurant Apps & Websites
Restaurant apps and websites are becoming smarter, more intuitive, more attractive and better working. That was the takeaway from TCE’s presentation, Digital Ordering & the New Era of Customization at the National Restaurant Association Show in Chicago in May.
Erica Holland-Toll, Culinary Director, and Julia Segal, Senior Strategist, say 2021 marked the era of the "app-uccino", a movement in which guests can now complete extreme customization by ordering from native apps, such as Starbucks, which allows customers to place an order with up to 13 modifications.
"This is the kind of reckless customization behavior as we start to go online and ordering digitally," said Segal, "and many of us don't know what to do about it in our restaurants and operations."
However, TCE has identified three different drivers of customization - and the solutions that your business can undertake to meet those drivers. Check out the full article from QSR web.